"Orthotics" is the science and practice of measuring, designing, fabricating, assembling, fitting, adjusting, or servicing an orthosis under an order from a licensed physician. We provide orthoses for corrective, functional, supportive, and sporting purposes for adults and children.
An orthosis can achieve one or more of the following goals:
- Control biomechanical alignment
- Correct or accommodate deformity
- Protect and support an injury
- Assist rehabilitation
- Reduce pain
- Increase mobility
- Increase independence
Commonly prescribed orthoses include:
- Foot Orthoses
- Ankle and Knee Orthoses
- Ankle-Foot Orthoses (AFOs) and Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses (KAFOs)
- Upper limb orthoses
- Fracture orthoses
- Spinal Orthoses
There are a wide variety of prefabricated and custom made orthoses used for many musculoskeletal problems. They are specialized devices and should always be fitted by a fully qualified orthotist/prosthetist.